StartAllgemeinFotoimpressionen Fridayatsix

Fotoimpressionen Fridayatsix

Fotoimpressionen von der gestrigen Veranstaltung Fridayatsix. Die nächste Fridayatsix findet am 9.Mai 2014 statt, unbedingt in den Kalender eintragen.


Beschreibung des Events:

„Derk Marseille (33) is Dutch entrepreneurial journalist. In 2011 he started his own web talkshow FridayatSix about Berlin tech startups. Gaining experience as a producer he started Streamhub, a tv production company. Since 2011 he is working for Dutch radiostation BNR as foreign correspondent based in Berlin. Get in touch and let’s have a coffee to talk about what interests you.

FridayatSix is more than a talkshow that attracts around 250 people out of the startup scene and produces good video content. FridayatSix turns your office into a unique networking event where media, entrepreneurs, business relations and the audience meet each other. Because of the high quality conversations in the talkshow the atmosphere afterwards is relaxed but constructive. Every visitor has his own business or is working in the startup scene.“

Dutch Embassy FridayatSix Talkshow: Live from Klosterstrasse 50

With: Onno Faber, DingDon, Olga Steil, Link, Franz Schwarzmann, Lock8, David Meyer, GigaOm Europe tech writer, Mendel Senf, YDWorld, Jess Ericksson, CEO Geekettes, Stephan Bayer, CEO Sofatutor, Sascha Kellert, Ezeep

Friday, March 28th, from 16:00 to 18:00 PM




Stefan Kny
Stefan Kny
Stefan Kny schreibt über ausgewählte Startupthemen und Artikel, die Startups Wissen vermitteln sollen. Stefan ist Chefredakteur des Wirtschaftsmagazins Paul F. Kontakt: stefan(at)


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