StartExpertCube Tech Fair Interview Pasi Penannen, CEO Toroidion

Cube Tech Fair Interview Pasi Penannen, CEO Toroidion

Willkommen auf der CUBE TECH Fair, wir entdecken sofort den Elektrosportwagen Toroidion 1MW und seinen Schöpfer den Finnen Pasi Pennanen. Zeit für ein Interview.
Sorry, bevor wir anfangen, wir müssen es machen, wir sind zahlengetrieben Menschen.


Welcome to the Cube Tech Fair, and we immediately discovered the electro super sports car Toroidion 1MW and his Finnish founder Pasi Pennanen. Time for an interview:
Sorry, just before we start, we should mention the figures behind. 

Baujahr / founded: 2011  Kosten / prize: 995.000€ estimate for production car
Verbrauch / Energy consumption: 9,99 kW/100km/h

„Lets switch to english. Interview Pasi Penannen, CEO TOROIDION:

How you get the 1MW power on the road?

Toroidion Direct drive 48V in the front 2x200kW and in the rear 2x300kW.


How are the electric motors linked to each other from a technical perspective?

They are only linked via VCU sending torque request to each motor.

Independent power control unit provide exhilarating acceleration and assured traction, with no unwanted wheelspins.


Which brake system do you use and how did the car be cooled?

We have on a technical prototype Porsche 997 disc brakes. The car systems are air cooled partly cooled with water in production version.

What are the benefits from Toroidion in comparison to your main competitors?
  • Electrically safe
  • Energy efficient (=longer range) 
  • Easily swappable battery
  • High torque at high speeds,
  • Lubricant free technology
  • Modularity
  • Noise–‐freeness
  • Low maintenance costs
What is the unique selling proposition of the super sports car?

The unique selling points of Toroidion 

• Safety: Low voltage is safe for users, servicing,
• Scalability: Toroidion powertrain can be used in many industries automotive, marine, aerospace or industrial applications
• Lightweight: Enables using Toroidion powertrain in applications where the current powertrains in the market are too heavy (e.g. aerospace industry)

• Competence: Toroidion has proved its capability to deliver by building its own concept car with Toroidion powertrain – the world’s most powerful full electric supercar


Many people are dreaming of such a super car? You developed your own dream car, how did the story begins?

It started with a simple question: “Could an electric car win at Le Mans?”….

We evaluated the Toroidion powertrain in collaboration with LeMans veteran JJ Lehto. The race profile and the technical qualities of our powertrain fit the LeMans regulations and the demands of LeMans. 

Who did inspire you?
Sir William Lyons the founder of Jaguar and Steve McQueen the racing driver.


Why did you take part in the Cube Tech Fair? 

Meet potential financial and industrial partners and customers.


What is your mission?

The Company’s mission is to build world’s most powerful all-electric supercars but at the same time our ambitions are beyond fast cars: their scalable powertrain should be used to power transport and aviation industries and other businesses and utilities around the globe.


Vielen Dank für Deine Zeit und das Interview. Thanks very much for your time. 



“ 0 – 400 km/h in Sec.“ number=“11″

The Company’s mission is to build world’s most powerful all-electric supercars but at the same time our ambitions are beyond fast cars: their scalable powertrain should be used to power transport and aviation industries and other businesses and utilities around the globe.

Chairman of the Board Vesa Lehtinen & CEO Pasi Penannen at Toroidion

Fotos: by Toroidion 
Titelfoto auf der CUBE Tech Fair: Stefan Kny

Zusätzliche Anmerkungen:
Toroidion setzt sich zusammen aus: Toroid + Ion.
Toroid (eng) heisst übersetzt Torus. Ein Torus  ist ein mathematisches Objekt aus der Geometrie.Vereinfacht gesagt hat es die Form einers Rettungsrings/Donuts. Ein Ion ist ein elektrisch geladenes Atom oder Molekül.
– Das Logo stellt das Widerstandszeichen Ohm mit Flügeln dar.


Stefan Kny
Stefan Kny
Stefan Kny schreibt über ausgewählte Startupthemen und Artikel, die Startups Wissen vermitteln sollen. Stefan ist Chefredakteur des Wirtschaftsmagazins Paul F. Kontakt: stefan(at)


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